Gateway into Plymouth gets a spruce up
An eight week spruce up has started on one of the main entrances to Plymouth.
Street Cleansing and Grounds teams together with the Councils highway contractor Amey have just started work on Marsh Mills roundabout.
As Marsh Mills is one of the busiest junctions in the city, with nearly 90,0000 vehicles passing through it every day, it has been decided to give the area a much needed make over.
Works have included cutting back over grown vegetation to ensure line of sight for vehicle users whilst keeping the area neat and well maintained and the creation of a new wildflower meadow that will develop over the coming season. Each of the sides of the roundabout will have a different theme including wildflowers, bulbed flowers and more grass areas.
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet Member for Streetscene said: “Even though Marsh Mills is a built up area we are determined that nature should still be given a chance to flourish here. By planting these wildflower meadows we are encouraging a wealth of insects to the area including bees, who are vital part of our eco system.”