Real Christmas tree collections in Plymouth
The decorations are down, folks are back to work, resolutions have been made – and broken – now all that’s left of the festive season is a tired old tree.
The Council’s Christmas tree collections start on Monday 11 January and will continue up until Thursday 21 January.
All people have to do is to put the trees out next to their bins or bags on the day their recycling is usually collected and a separate crew will pick it up that day.
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet Member for Streetscene said: “We are trying to keep our streets clean and hope this collection will reduce the number of forlorn looking pine trees in our back lanes and other strange locations.
“We have tried to keep it simple. If you are expecting your recycling collection the week beginning 11 January, put your tree out with your bins or bags. If your recycling is not until the following week, wait until then to put it out with your recycling.
“I know there’s a temptation to put your tree out on any day and get it off your property, but that just makes the trees everyone’s problem.
“We really want residents to follow the usual instructions about not putting them out until after 630 on the night before their collection – and only put it out when your recycling is due to be picked up.
Anyone who misses their round will have to take their tree to Chelson Meadow and Weston Mill Recycling Centres to be chipped.