Derriford Hospital lights up for Christmas
Crowds gathered to watch the Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust's first ever Christmas tree light up and enjoyed joining in with the carols performed by Thornbury School and Off Key Singing Club. at Derriford Hospital last night
The evening was made extra special by a long-term patient from our Children’s Wards, who alongside Nick Thomas, Deputy Chief Executive, switched them on.
Scarlett Martin, aged nearly 2, has spent a lot of time on level 12, as she has a development delay and epilepsy. She is supported by a wide multi-disciplinary team, both in the hospital and the community. Scarlett has been an inpatient for quite a while, as she has been unable to gain adequate weight, but this is now improving and she has recently been discharged.
Scarlett’s Mum, Tracey, said: “I was really pleased that Scarlett and I were invited to turn the Christmas lights on at Derriford Hospital; we have both been really excited for it!
“I am very passionate about the Gold Dust Appeal, as I have seen how much it would help children staying on the wards and also parents and families that have to spend time with their loved ones.”
Kirsty Wavish, Facilities Programme Manager, said: “I would like to thank the public and staff for attending our first ever Christmas light switch on event, our sponsors who have made this event possible - the Christmas Decorators, Drakes Den and Indigo and also Pip Critten, who was our compere.
It was a fantastic event, enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the people who kindly donated their time, equipment and refreshments to support the light switch on.”
This year, members of the public and staff are able to sprinkle some Gold Dust at Christmas and hang a bauble on the tree, with words dedicated to someone special, in aid of the Gold Dust Appeal.
Emma Cronin, Gold Dust Appeal Fundraising Manager, said: “Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Gold Dust Appeal and dedicated a Christmas bauble to someone special. We’ve had a wonderful response so far with touching dedications in memory of loved ones and festive messages to family and friends.
“It’s not too late to dedicate a bauble, we’ll be accepting dedications all the way up to Christmas Eve and look forward to seeing the tree fill up with special messages!”
In return for a donation, anyone can dedicate a bauble to someone, whether it’s in memory of a lost loved one or just because someone is special to them, like a member of their family or friends.
If you would like to dedicate a message, please collect a form from the main reception on level 6, email plh-tr.GoldDustAppeal@nhs.net or call 01752 432425. Alternatively, you can send your message or wish through social media, comment on the Gold Dust Appeal Facebook Page or tweet - @golddustappeal.
Following this, there are then three ways to donate. Please:
• TEXT: by texting DUST97 followed by your donation to 70070
For example: DUST97 £2. You can donate £1, £2, £3, £4, £5, or £10
• JUSTGIVING: It is really easy to donate through Just Giving:
• CASH: There are Gold Dust collection tins on the main reception
The messages will be written onto baubles and added to the tree by staff at Derriford Hospital.