Friends of Liver Lifeline donate fans
A big thank you to Friends of Liver Lifeline, who have kindly donated three Dyson fans to Hound Ward, in celebration of the charity’s fifth year as Derriford Hospital’s liver support group.
Friends of Liver Lifeline, which was launched five years ago by former patient Sheila Connolly, her husband Stephen and fellow transplant patient Michael Stratford, has been continuously raising awareness of liver disease, supporting other patients and also raising funds to make a real difference to those affected.
Sheila Connolly said: “After a long illness myself, I was given the precious gift from an unknown donor and I believe that I need to do something to make a difference and give something back.
“The group consists of liver patients who want to help other patients and their carers cope with liver disease and through our experiences, we appreciate that it is not only the patients that need support, it is also the carers, family and friends that need someone to speak to through such a difficult time.
“Our mission is to be there for patients and their families and friends, as we are all survivors of liver disease, working alongside staff at Derriford Hospital to make a difference.
“So far, we have more than 250 people that contact us through our website and Facebook page, with many just wanting a chat over the phone. We also have a group of main fundraisers that work really hard to give something back and make a difference, so I would like to particularly thank them for their efforts.
“We have raised £20,000.00 since setting up the group and I hope that this will continue.”
Allison Jury, Senior Sister on Hound Ward, said: “I would like to say a massive thank you on behalf of all of the staff and patients on the ward. The fans really will make such a big difference and improve the patients’ experience whilst with us in hospital.
“We continue to enjoy a really good relationship with the group and couldn’t thank them enough for their kind donations over the years.”
Sheila added: “Unless you have been through this frightening disease, you wouldn’t realise how lonely it can be and being there for people in such a low place and being able to support them through a difficult time is the main thing.”
Monthly meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month at the Derriford Health and Leisure Centre. If you would like to find out more, please contact Sheila on 01752 934942 or friendsofliverlifeline@hotmail.com