SW competitors take part in Transplant Games
A team and supporters from the South West are heading to Newcastle to compete at the British Transplant Games.
All eight competitors, who are aged between 22 and 70, have received a life-saving kidney transplant at Derriford Hospital. From July 30 to August 2 they will be taking part in a huge variety of events including swimming, bowling, tennis, golf, archery, badminton, shot putt, high jump, walking, track events, and cycling.
Since 1978, the British Transplant Games have been held annually at various locations throughout the UK. They are designed to highlight the benefits of transplantation and increase public awareness of the need for more people to join the NHS Organ Donation Register and to discuss their wishes with their families.
Claire West, Plymouth Hospitals Research Nurse Specialist and Deputy Team Manager, said: “The Transplant Games are truly inspirational. All the competitors, no matter what age, demonstrate the benefits of transplantation and the importance of organ donation. If the competitors had not received a life-saving transplant they simply would not be here today to compete at these Games.”
Two of the competitors, Tracy Carroll, from near Helston, and Bradley Ball, from Plymouth, are also heading to Argentina at the end of August to represent Team GB at the World Transplant Games. They will be competing in Golf and Swimming respectively. Several others were also selected to represent Britain internationally but were unable to take up the offer.
The Westfield Health British Transplant Games, organised by the charity Transplant Sport, is one of the largest annual multi-sports events in the United Kingdom.
At last year’s event in Bolton, the South West team brought home an impressive haul of 12 gold, six silver and six bronze medals plus a trophy for the best male athlete in his age group.
This year’s members are Bradley Ball and Tracy Carroll; John Wollington, from Plymouth; Paul Tucker, from Dartmouth; Terry Wright, from Looe; Keith Parsons, from Plymouth; Stuart House, who recently moved from Torpoint to Bristol, and Janet Jenkins, from Plymouth, who is also the team manager.
Mr Wollington, 58, has been competing in the British Transplant Games since 2010 and is now involved with the team committee. Before his transplant he used to play hockey, cricket and bowls. This year he will be competing in events – archery, table tennis, ten pin bowling, darts and lawn bowls.
He said: “My transplant was in August 2009. I am really looking forward to this year’s games. It is always great to catch up with the other teams and promote the benefits of organ donation and celebrate the fact that we have been given a second chance thanks to the incredible donor families and donors.”
The team would like to thank all sponsors including Derriford Hospital Renal Department, Summerskills Brewery, Devonport Employees Trust, Green Taverners, Bay Horse Inn and Ian Jarvis.
To find out more about the Westfield Health British Transplant Games please visit www.britishtransplantgames.co.uk and to Join the NHS Organ Donor Register and help save lives TEXT: SAVE to 62323; call 0300 123 2323 or visit www.organdonation.nhs.uk