Carers Week events in Plymouth
Carers in Plymouth are being celebrated with a week of events to mark Carers Week 2015 (8 – 14 June).
In Plymouth there are an estimated 27,000 unpaid carers, and nationally it is thought that unpaid carers save health and social care services around £120 billion per year. Around 42 per cent of unpaid carers do this for more than 20 hours per week and many carers are children.
Councillor Ian Tuffin, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care for Plymouth City Council, said: “Carers Week is a great opportunity for us to not only raise the profile of caring but to help members of the public identify themselves as carers and access the support, advice and information available to them. Many people do not even identify themselves as a carer and just see it as part of their everyday role.”
Lee Sewrey, Manager at Carers Hub Plymouth said: “This year Carers UK are focusing on Building Carer Friendly Communities. Communities which support carers to look after their loved ones well, while recognising that they are individuals with needs of their own.
“The Carers Hub is working with as many organisations as possible within Plymouth to provide a fun-packed week of events for carers. We will also engage with local professionals in Plymouth across the private, public and voluntary sector to provide carer awareness support and we will be endeavouring to find some hidden carers too by delivering 600 flyers in the PL4 area as this is where we receive the least referrals from.”
Events taking place throughout Carers Week:
Monday 8 June – 10.30am – 1pm at William Sutton Memorial Hall, Shelley Way, St Budeaux, PL5 1QF. Colebrook Southwest is running a gardening morning for Carers and the person they care for to attend. For further information or to book a place please telephone Helen Fellows on 01752 211243 or email hfellows@colebrooksw.org
10am to 2pm at Unit 135, City Business Park, Stoke, PL3 4BB. Focus Oral Health CIC will be holding an Oral Health awareness drop-in to raise professional and family carer awareness to reduce dental disease risk in the people they are caring for. Free refreshments will be provided. Contact Frances directly on 07854 667254 or email Frances@focusoralhealth.co.uk
Tuesday 9 June – 9am to 1pm. Wolferstans Solicitors, 60-66, North Hill, Plymouth, PL4 8EP. Wolferstans Solicitors will be holding a free, no obligation drop-in Legal Advice Clinic. At your appointment you will receive a 20% discount voucher, to be used on their standard fees for Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorneys ('LPAs'). The voucher will be valid for a limited time only. Contact Rebecca Bawler on 292213 or email rbawler@wolferstans.com if you have any questions
Trip to St Ives by train. Widely regarded as the jewel of Cornwall’s crown, a beautiful seaside town set in breath-taking coastal scenery. The train leaves Plymouth at 10.39 (Meet at the station at 10.15am) and the return journey from St Ives is at 3.33 (Arrives at Plymouth station at 5.59pm). This journey is not suitable for anyone who is unable to use stairs. Call 01752 201890 to book your place.
Wednesday 10 June - Coach trip to visit Bygones in Torquay (Bringing the past alive with a journey back in time about 100 years to the reign of Queen Victoria.) The coach will leave from the Pavillions Car Park at 10am, arriving back in Plymouth at 5pm. A £5 non-refundable deposit is required. To book, please call the Carers Forum on 07774327548
10am-3pm - Salon experience at V and V Hair and Beauty, Devonport Choose from a cut and blow dry, eyebrow waxing or manicure. To book the time you wish to attend please call V and V Hair and Beauty on 01752 500129.
Thursday 11 June – 12pm – Pan Asia Buffet. All you can eat buffet. Meet at the restaurant at 12pm. Call 01752 201890 to book your place.
The Centre for Eye care Excellence will be running a free eye clinic for Carers with a test that takes around 60 minutes. Light refreshments will be provided and if spectacles are required they will be provided at a reduced rate. To book a test call 01752 583100 and quote carers week clinic.
Friday 12 June – 9.45am – 1pm. Sea fishing trip. All equipment provided, bar on board with hot and cold drinks. Toilets are on deck level. Assistance will be given landing your fish so no experience required. For further details and to book a place call 01752 201890.
10am – 3pm Get Crafty session at Carers Guild – try out lots of different crafting techniques, with all materials and lunch provided. To book, call Carers Forum on 07774327548.
11am – 3pm – Crown Hill Village Hall, Miles Mitchell Estate, Crownhill. Afternoon tea for the over 50s, information stands, hand, arm and shoulder massage, nail art, head massage, quiz and raffle. To book a place for you and the person you care for, call 01752 201890.
Information stands will also be held at Derriford Hospital and the GP Forum.