Healthy living event in Plymouth
An event showcasing the great ways a healthy lifestyle can be achieved will take place at the Cumberland Centre in Plymouth on 22nd April, and will feature input from health profession students from across Plymouth University.
In conjunction with Plymouth Community Healthcare, which runs primary care services in the city, the event will focus on fun and achievable healthy lifestyle choices. Visitors to the event can choose to learn how to make healthy food and drinks, take part in a free health MOT, obtain healthy eating advice, get tips on exercise and speak to Wellbeing Support Services.
A wide range of Plymouth University students will be on hand to run events, talks and man displays, from across the health spectrum including medicine, adult nursing, mental health nursing, social work, occupational therapy, paramedicine, physiotherapy, nutrition, optometry, midwifery, podiatry and dentistry.
The event will take place between 10.00am and 3.00pm on Wednesday 22nd April.
One of the organisers of the event is Dr. Richard Ayres, lead GP at the Cumberland GP Practice and Lead for Population Health at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. He said: “We think this is the first time that we have brought the knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm of students from across the full health profession offering at Plymouth University, all together to create one event for the community. In partnership with Plymouth Community Healthcare, we hope that this will be an event which will be fun and informative, and help people in and around Devonport to take achievable steps towards a healthier lifestyle.”