A dark day and bright night at Meeth Quarry
Devon Wildlife Trust together with the North Devon Astronomical Society are inviting members of the public to join them for a unique viewing of the solar eclipse followed by star gazing at Meeth Quarry nature reserve.
The event will take place on Friday 20 March. Experts will guide visitors through the solar eclipse using professional equipment.
From 8am onwards the North Devon Astronomical Society will be at Devon Wildlife Trust’s Meeth Quarry nature reserve with their hydrogen alpha telescope which filters light making it safe to look at the sun. Viewers will be able to see sun spots and spectacular prominences, these are huge loops tens of thousands of miles above the surface of the sun large enough the fit the earth through.
Stuart Bartlett form North Devon Astronomical Society said “This partial eclipse seen in the South West, is a rare opportunity not to be missed. The moon will block out our view of the sun by approximately 93% which will create a noticeable dark sky”.
Stuart warns people not to look directly at the sun or through cameras or optical equipment at any time as this can cause permanent damage to eyes. All safety equipment, including solar film for binoculars, will be provided at this event.
The solar eclipse will be at its maximum just before 9.30am but Devon Wildlife Trust invites visitors to arrive from 8am onwards.
Jo Pullin from Devon Wildlife Trust said “bring a deckchair and enjoy our bacon butties while you watch this two hour spectacle.”
A separate star gazing event follows in the evening from 7.30pm looking at constellations and planets with North Devon Astronomical Society’s telescopes.
Jo Pullin said “Meeth Quarry nature reserve is easily accessible but far away from street lights and other light pollution which provides the perfect place to view the night skies at their best.”
Hot drinks and soup will warm viewers but wrap up warm and sturdy footwear is essential, torches advisable.
Each session costs £3 per adult, children are free. Visitors are asked to bring solar viewing glasses if possible although some will be available to borrow. If there is cloud cover, the solar eclipse event will not take place and star gazing will be postponed until Sat 21 March. For updates on the day phone 01837 811889.
Meeth Quarry DWT nature reserve is on the southern edge of the village of Meeth on the A386 between Hatherleigh and Great Torrington. Follow the access road for half a mile and the car park is on the left. Nearest postcode is EX20 3EP
Check the Devon Wildlife Trust website for more information http://www.devonwildlifetrust.org/whats-on/