Time is running out for primary school admissions
Parents are being urged not to leave it till the last minute to choose which schools they would most like their children to this year.
Families whose children are due to start at primary school for the first time or junior school (having completed Year 2 in an infant school) in September 2015 have under 40 days left to tell the Council which three schools are their top choices.
The deadline for primary and junior school admission preferences is 15 January and Plymouth City Council is urging parents not to leave their applications until the last minute. To maximise the chances of being allocated a place at a preferred school, parents are advised to list 3 schools in their application. Where the Council is unable to allocate a place at one of the parent’s preferences, a place will be allocated at the nearest suitable school to the home address with a vacancy after all the preference applications have been considered.
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health said: “The last thing we want is for parents to leave it to the last minute and there be some unforeseen circumstance that stops them applying. So it’s crucial they complete the admissions form as soon as possible.
“We are currently short by 1392 applications. If we don’t receive them by the deadline, it means those young people may not get the primary or junior school of their choice.
“The easiest way to apply for a place is online through the Council’s website at www.plymouth.gov.uk/schooladmissions, where you will find full details on how to apply and how the admissions system works. Or if you prefer you contact the school admissions team direct on 01752 307166.”
Each school now has its own admission criteria, as traditional catchment areas no longer exist, so it’s important to look at the information relating to specific schools in the admission guidance booklet also on the web.
Parents are warned if they apply late there is a risk that all the places at their preferred schools will be filled by applicants who applied on time.
Last year the Council was able to match 89 per cent of young people and parents with their first choice of primary school, 100 per cent with their first choice of junior school and 95 per cent with their first choice of secondary school.