Could you be a school governor?
Plymouth City Council is working with education charity, SGOSS- Governors for Schools to try and reduce the number of school governor vacancies in the city. At the moment there are more than 50 vacant governor positions across schools and colleges in Plymouth.
Although 75 per cent of Plymouth’s Schools were recently deemed by Ofsted to be amongst the best in the country this appeal is about ensuring that every school has the equal chance and capacity to be the best they can be by getting more local people involved.
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health said “Governors play an essential role in the running of a school. They help to set the strategic direction of a school, hold the Head Teacher to account for the school’s performance, ensure financial probity and that the school’s finances are well spent. Being a school governor is undoubtedly the most important voluntary role in Education.”
SGOSS will be contacting over 100 Plymouth businesses and hosting a variety of recruitment events during the week of 15th September in a bid to encourage residents interested in improving local education, to apply.
Nick Rich, Governor Consultant at Plymouth City Council said, “We’re excited to be working with SGOSS to help find skilled new governors in Plymouth. We’re incredibly proud of Plymouth schools, but this presents a fantastic opportunity for the community to ensure our excellent record continues”
Julia Tindall-Jones, Clerk to the Corporation at City College Plymouth said, “Recruiting new governors for schools and Further Education Colleges can sometimes be a difficult task and this can present a barrier to improvement. We’d encourage anyone with an interest in education to get involved and help!”