Register now for St Luke's Midnight Walk
Registrations are filling up fast for the St Luke’s Midnight Walk on Saturday 19 July 2014 from a brand new location, The University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth.
The eighth Midnight Walk promises to be even more exciting.
Organiers have made some great improvements and introduced brand new routes with the choice of a three mile, seven mile or 15 mile walk. There will be staggered starts with 15 mile walkers starting at 10pm, seven mile walkers at 11pm and three mile walkers at midnight.
Over the past seven years 12,963 ladies have walked over 151,000 miles raising an amazing £1.2 million for St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth.
Do something amazing and sign up for St Luke’s Midnight Walk.
For more information and to register visit www.stlukesmidnightwalk.co.uk