Executive breakfast for apprentices
Eight young people, who are either undertaking or have undertaken their apprenticeships within different areas of the Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, attended a special breakfast event on Friday morning with the Chief Executive, Ann James and Director of Nursing, Greg Dix.
The apprentices shared their positive outlook, testimony, achievements and success, of taking the apprenticeship route, to develop their career. They also answered questions about their experiences of working at the Trust.
Mandy Johnson, Learning and Development Trainer, who facilitated the event, said: “I am very proud and privileged to work with the young generation, helping them to gain roles throughout our organisation, watching their development and achievements.
“It took courage as the young people openly shared their stories and Ann responded quickly that she wanted to capture and share their success, so just as they thought their speaking ordeal was over, they were invited to the next Trust Board, to share their apprenticeship experience.”
Richard Daulton from the National Apprenticeship Service, who also attended the event, commented that he would like to bottle and use this superb example and group of apprentices, being a great representation of the real benefits of apprenticeships.
Mandy continued: “Occasions like today are where we see the real rewards and it was such a pleasure to see members of our executive team acknowledging the apprentices’ commitment, drive, enthusiasm and encouragement of their personal career aspirations.
“The event was a great success and Ann and Greg were very welcoming and had a genuine interest in each individual. Ann said it was a great start to her day, as she shared and encouraged the young people to achieve their career goals. There was a real buzz in the conversations, as we enjoyed breakfast together, having gained a valuable insight into what our apprentices are achieving within the Trust.”
For more news visit www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk