8 Ways to Make Your Heart Stronger
Reduce yor chance of heart diseases and attacks with these eight ways to make your heart stronger...
#1 - Drink Five Glasses of Water a Day
It is a proven fact that people who drink five glasses of water a day are 54 percent less likely to have a fatal heart attack than people who drink fewer glasses of water a day. Scientists explain this by saying that the water you consume throughout the day dilutes the blood, which makes it less likely to clot in your system.
#2 – Proper Diet
You should always keep in mind that a poor diet will ultimately lead you to obesity, which can often cause significant damages to both your heart and cardiovascular system. Remember that fruit, and especially vegetables, are very important if you want to keep a healthy and strong heart. Studies have shown that walnuts are substantially important for a strong heart, due to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they hold. These fatty acids are good for you because they decrease inflammation in the arteries around your heart.
#3 – Switch from Coffee to Tea
You should change this habit today! A research has shown that people who drink three cups of tea a day have 50 percent less of a chance to have a heart attack than people who enjoy coffee instead of tea on a daily basis. Tea supplies you with potent antioxidants, which provide a protective effect for your heart.
#4 – Lose 10 to 20 Pounds
Note that if you are overweight, dropping at least 10 to 20 pounds will greatly lower your risk of having a heart attack. Much research has shown that people who are overweight have more chance of dying from a heart attack than other people.
#5 – Learn to Manage Stress
You should know that stress raises both blood pressure and your heart rate. It is a known fact that people are nowadays constantly overwhelmed by stress. They want to do everything quickly, and just don’t know how to take things one step at a time. This is exactly why you should dedicate at least an hour a day to relax.
#6 – Reduce Salt in your Diet
Be careful how much salt you consume on a daily basis, as it can raise your blood pressure and ultimately raise the risk of a heart attack. A recommended amount of salt you should consume a day is 2.3 grams, which equates to around a teaspoon of salt.
#7 – Schedule Sleep
When you don’t get enough sleep, you are exposed to an increase in arterial aging and an increased risk of a heart attack. If you get less than 6 hours of sleep daily, your organism will release very little serotonin in your brain, making you feel slightly depressed. This will make you look for alternative ways to feel better, such as eating foods that consist of too much sugar or consuming too much alcohol. Note that you should also consider having an afternoon nap every day, as it can really protect your heart.
#8 – Know Your Numbers
You should check the three most important numbers regarding the health of your heart regularly, which are cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Ask your doctor to show you how you can better these numbers, but you will most likely have to do the steps we mentioned before. So, be sure to always be one step ahead of all heart problems, and start living a healthier life today.
Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com