University hosts summer fair in support of world's orphans
Ethical flip flop company Gandys is holding a summer fair on campus on Monday (20 May) to raise awareness of their mission to support orphaned children around the world.
The event has been organised by Enactus:Plymouth, the Students’ Union and the Entrepreneurs Society and will include lots of fun flip-flop themed games, a barbecue and a paint party.
Set up by two young entrepreneurs Rob and Paul Forkan who were orphaned by the tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, Gandys aims is to raise enough money to build an orphanage for children in India.
The brothers were on a global travelling journey with their parents and in Sri Lanka when the tsunami hit. Sadly their parents were lost to the disaster. Determined to turn a negative into a positive, they created the Orphans for Orphans initiative aiming to create a brighter future for orphans is less developed countries.
They hope to build their first orphanage in 2014, ten years after the tsunami, but in the meantime they’re donating ten per cent of their flip-flop sale profits to Indian charity Mango Tree Goa, and have already funded education and equipment for more than 100 children.
Rob Forkan said: “It’s a pleasure to come to Plymouth as there are so many enthusiastic students passionate about business and social entrepreneurship. It’s always great to share our experiences with other young people and hopefully inspire them to go on and set up their own business or join Gandys, like Plymouth student Becky Sadeghian, who has been terrific and has already designed a campaign for a major department store.”
The company has the support of entrepreneur and Plymouth University graduate Dominic List and has already achieved fantastic success, with their products available for sale in numerous major national stores.
Hollie Stanton from Enactus:Plymouth said: “Gandys is a fantastic ethical organisation that is striving to make a difference in the lives of orphans around the world. We’re delighted to welcome them onto campus for what I’m sure will be a fun and informative day.”
The event will begin at midday with a presentation on Gandys and question and answer session with Rob and Paul in the Students' Union Illusion bar. Then from 1pm to 4pm around the Students' Union there will be various games and a treasure hunt, before the day finishes with a ‘holi party’, a Hindu festival of colour to celebrate spring, from 4pm-5pm in Drake’s Place Gardens. There will also be a barbecue, raffle and ice creams available.
All the games are free and there is also an opportunity to win two pairs of tickets to the Isle of Man festival this summer. All are welcome.