Unemployment up again, but still well below national average
In line with the national trend, the number of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) in Devon has increased slightly in January. It now stands at 7,060 claimants or 1.6% of the working age population.
The number of people aged 24 and under claiming JSA also increased very slightly, and now stands at 1,845 claimants or 26.2% of total JSA claimants in Devon.
The increase in Devon JSA claimants follows the national trend in claimant numbers, with the UK seeing an increase in JSA claimants for the first time in ten months.
Importantly though, the Devon claimant rate (1.6%) is still around half of the UK figure of 3%, so JSA claimant numbers in Devon, comparatively, are still very low.
The JSA claimant rate for Devon in January 2013 was 2.2%, so year-on-year claimant numbers have actually decreased by 28.1% or 2,758 claimants. This decrease is also greater than the UK figure, which has only decreased by 21.4% since January 2013.
The slight increase in Devon JSA claimants (+393 claimants), although unwelcome, is not unexpected, as Devon normally sees an increase in unemployment during the winter months due to the seasonal nature of our economy and as Christmas jobs come to an end.
This year’s month-on-month increase is smaller than in previous years.
Within Devon, at a district level, all districts registered an increase in JSA claimants between December and January, although there are significant variations in the sizes of these increases.
South Hams registered the largest increase (10.6%) along with East Devon (7.2%) and Teignbridge (6.1%).
North Devon claimants increased by 5.9%, Exeter by 5.8% and West Devon by 5.7%.
Mid Devon and Torridge recorded the smallest increases, of just 3.8% and 3.1% respectively.
Devon JSA claimants aged 24 and under have also increased slightly since December 2013 by 70 claimants, and now stand at 1,845 claimants (26.2% of Devon JSA claimants).
This mirrors a similar trend in UK figures, which have registered an increase for the first time in 5 months, increasing by 3.1% since December 2013.
In Devon this increase was slightly greater than the UK average, at 3.9%, and the proportion of JSA claimants in our county aged 24 or under (26.2%) is slightly above the UK figure of 24.9%.
Cllr Andrew Leadbetter, Devon County Council's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Growth said:
"Devon County Council, the Heart of the South West LEP and other partners, are working to ensure that parts of the county most in need are included in the latest draft of the Government's Assisted Areas map.
"These latest JSA figures for Devon, which are unwelcome but not unexpected, help to support that work.
"This work will enable manufacturing businesses to access more generous levels of government funding to drive innovation and employment growth.
"Likewise, addressing youth unemployment in our county remains a key priority for the council, and these figures clearly demonstrate the need for events like our apprenticeships themed ‘business breakfast’ for employers, and information fair for young people next month, as part of National Apprenticeship Week.
"The work we are doing around training and skills for Devon’s young people, will help to ensure Devon’s young people are able to find employment."
For more information on Devon’s economy, and to find the latest JSA figures listed in full, visit: www.devonomics.info