Uncover Plymouth launches site to promote city to the world
Growing social brand Uncover Plymouth has just launched its website, aiming to promote all that is great about past and present of the city via original blog-style stories.
The site – www.uncoverplymouth.co.uk – is the latest progression of the brand and aims to help boost Plymouth’s image to a wider – and ultimately global - audience.
Curator of the brand, Jon Bennett who was born and bred in the city, comments: “The original idea of developing the brand was purely for the love of the city – now it’s growing into so much more.
“We started out in January 2017 purely as a page on Facebook, where we are listing one fact about Plymouth for every day of the year. We did this because the city is so full of interesting stories that a lot of people aren’t aware of… there’s no doubt it is one of the world’s most interesting cities.
“Ultimately the goal now is to increase interest in Plymouth and by launching the website we hope this will help. We’ve got the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims leaving from Mayflower Steps coming up in 2020 and our sole aim is to try to bring more interest and visitors to our great city. It is an unrivalled opportunity and it will help the economy no end if this is built up. Plymouth deserves more presence on the world stage and we hope to help that via something a little different.”
Initial stories that have been published cover topics such as the development of the city since World War 2 and the history of Plymouth’s most iconic hotel. Further projects are planned for the brand, with further news released in due course.