Thousands of bulbs planted at Exmouth’s Beach Gardens
Exmouth’s Beach Gardens will become a sea of colour this spring when thousands of new bulbs and plants bloom.
The colossal perennial planting scheme, being led by East Devon District Council (EDDC) and Exmouth in Bloom, comes as part of a wider EDDC initiative to make gardens and open spaces more environmentally friendly while looking after delicate eco-systems.
More than 2,500 herbaceous perennials and almost 3,000 bulbs, including Allliums, Dafodils and Sicilian Honey Garlic, have been planted near The Esplanade – and all of them were selected for their tolerance to the harsh coastal environment and their value to wildlife.
The extended flowering periods, blooming right through from February to October, will make the plants key in providing pollinators with a steady source of nectar and pollen, at a time when flowers are scarce.
Seed-heads and stems will also be left over the winter as an important food source and habitat for birds and insects.
EDDC’s Streetscene teams, along with Exmouth In Bloom volunteers, have been working hard to complete the planting designs before winter frosts arrive – putting in five long days of work.
The scheme will be another string in the bow of Exmouth as the town prepares for the Britain In Bloom UK Finals in summer 2023.
Councillor Geoff Jung, EDDC’s portfolio holder for coast, country and environment, said: “It is brilliant to again see EDDC’s Streetscene operatives and Exmouth in Bloom volunteers working in unison to improve the seafront for everyone to enjoy.
“They all work tirelessly to make our green spaces look vibrant and beautiful, as well as ensuring our local wildlife and nature can thrive.”