Test results are a breath of fresh air
Tests on the quality of air used by divers have been carried out by Plymouth’s trading standards officers.
As Plymouth proudly carries the name Britain’s Ocean City and is one of the most popular locations for scuba diving in the UK, it is important that the compressed air supplied to divers meets the standards for quality and lack of pollutants.
Trading Standards officers tested the air provided by several dive shops and clubs in the city. Of the seven samples taken and sent away for analysis six met the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). The sample that didn’t pass failed by a small margin and as soon as this was identified, work on the compressor took place and when the sample was re-tested it met all the requirements.
The most common reason for compressors failing to meet the Regulations for contaminants is excess carbon dioxide (CO2). Increased concentrations of CO2 lead initially to an increased, uncontrollable breathing rate but can lead to unconsciousness and death. Much more dangerous is an excess of carbon monoxide (CO) but luckily this is very rarely experienced in diving air and has never been recorded in air supplied by any Plymouth diving shops.
Councillor Phillipa Davey, Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities said: “The area around Plymouth is a great place for scuba diving and we are pleased with these results which show that local and visiting divers can rely on the air supplied by Plymouth businesses to be safe. Our Trading Standards officers regularly check diver’s air to ensure that these high standards are maintained.”
Trading standards officers carry out these tests randomly throughout the year and are pleased that all the shops we visit are very happy to work with us. Due to the high standard of diving supplies in this country it is very unusual for anything other than safe air to be supplied throughout this country.
Noeleen Smith, Manager of Aquanauts Dive Centre said: “We are always happy to work with Trading Standards. It is very important that divers have confidence that the air we supply meets or exceeds the required standard.”