Supermarkets back PCC Tony Hogg in alcohol campaign
Leading supermarkets and retailers have agreed to work with Devon and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg as he prioritises the battle against alcohol related crime and misuse.
They sat down for initial round table talks with Mr Hogg yesterday. They were able to discuss work they already do with local communities. This includes monitoring sales, educating customers and training for their own staff.
Among those represented were Tesco, the Co-op, Aldi, Costcutter, McColl’s, Premier Stores and the Association of Convenience Stores. Others who weren’t able to attend provided information about initiatives they already undertake.
Mr Hogg was pleased with the number of retailers represented at this initial meeting, and the level of engagement
“I wanted to create an environment for a frank exchange of views and ideas at this first meeting and this approach has encouraged many to join me.”
There was a stark presentation by the Commissioner, his team and Deputy Chief Constable Bill Skelly on the impact of alcohol on our area.
For example Devon and Cornwall has the seventh highest rate of violent crime in the country. There are around 20,000 incidents of violence against the person every year
“This is not a position we want to be in, so we must meet this difficult challenge head on,” said Mr Hogg
“Alcohol clearly plays a significant part in these figures, and a major contributory factor is ‘pre-loading’ when people spend hours drinking cheaper alcohol at home before going out to pubs and clubs.
“The drinker who commits a crime due to their inability to control their alcohol intake is the problem here.
“It is our job to find ways to help them change their behaviour, so freeing the rest of society from the harm or crime they may create.”
“I was delighted at the engagement from all those present.” said DCC Skelly
“There was a valuable contribution from the retailers on a subject that is of huge importance for communities in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.”
Today’s initial discussion identified a number of areas to explore further. These include:
- Ways to boost cooperation at the local level between the police and retailers – to problem solve locally and address issues as they arise
- How we can raise awareness about how high levels of alcohol consumption increase the risk that people will commit crimes or become victims of violent crime and help to shift behaviours and attitudes to reduce alcohol related crime in our area
“We have such a diverse urban, rural and coastal region with a massive population increase in the tourist season,” said Mr Hogg
“It’s very much a case of finding different solutions for different places.”
All participants have agreed to meet with Tony Hogg and his team again to discuss activities with their individual companies. Beyond retailers, the Commissioner is planning to engage with drinks producers and representatives from the pub and club trade in the next weeks.
Mr Hogg said: “Nobody underestimates the scale of this issue. Those that are serious about improving the position need to be committed to the long haul."