'Step Up 4 Respect' coffee morning helps to raise money and awareness
Over 80 people attended a coffee morning at Plymouth People First to learn more about the Plymouth Respect Festival and raise money for the ‘Step Up 4 Respect’ project.
Plymouth People First is an organisation for adults with learning disabilities and this will be the first time they will be attending the Respect Festival.
Dave Evans from Plymouth Group Support for the Fire Service first approached Jill Singh, Self Advocacy Project Officer from Plymouth People First, to ask for her help in facilitating the coffee morning and to invite self-advocates from across the city.
Dave Evans said: ”The coffee morning proved a great success and was very well supported raising £165. By holding this event we have been able to forge a new partnership between Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council and The Highbury Trust.
“This partnerships first joint venture will be a ‘Step Up 4 Respect’ project which is an art project based on respecting difference allowing the people from the Highbury Trust to display their art as part of the Respect Festival procession on October 12th 2013.”
Jill Singh said: "Plymouth People First has always had a good working relationship with Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service. We are delighted to make new partnership links and tie in with the Racial Equality Council. We are looking forward to taking part in this year's parade to raise awareness of learning disability; celebrating Plymouth's diverse communities.
“As a result of the funds raised Highbury Trust will be engaging with an artist in residence to create a display based on this year's theme 'flying for respect'. “
The Plymouth Respect Festival is designed to promote respect and celebrate diversity across all areas of the community, organised by the Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council. This year it will be hosted by Plymouth University on October 12.