South West sees UK's only regional rise in unemployment
The South West was the only region in the UK to see a rise in unemployment in the last quarter, up 0.4% to 6.4% of the working age population (those aged 16 to 64).
However the region also saw an increase in the rate of employment for the period from July to September 2013, up 0.1% to 74.4%, but lower than the overall UK increase of 0.3%.
The South West region remains the third highest in the UK employment table, behind the South East and East of England and, despite the last quarter rise, the third lowest for unemployment behind the East of England and the South East.
Jobs in Plymouth
ONS figures show that approximately 123,000 people were in employment in Plymouth for the 12 months to July 2013 - 70.3% of 16-64 year-olds, the second lowest rate of employment, behind Cornwall, among all of the South West local authority areas.
12,000 city residents were unemployed in the same period, a percentage of 8.8%, the highest rate of unemployment among all of the South West local authority areas.
However unemployment in Plymouth has continued its downward trend. 4,810 were claiming benefits and looking for work, a fall of 160 on the previous month. 2.8% of the working age population are on the dole, below the 3.9% national figure.
UK figures
The total number of unemployed people in the UK fell by 48,000 to 2.47 million - 7.6% of the economically active population - between July and September, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The rate is down 0.2 percentage points from the previous April to June 2013 period.
The number of people in work in the UK rose by 177,000, rising to 71.8% of the working age population, up 0.3 percentage points from April to June 2013.
Figures show that a large number of people across the country are now working part-time, though want to find full-time employment.
The Bank of England has said it will not consider raising interest rates from their record low of 0.5% until the unemployment rate falls below 7%.
Jobless claimants
The number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance across the UK fell by 41,700 to 1.31 million in October.
The South West saw a fall of 0.1% to 2.5% of the working age population, the second lowest in the country behind the South East.
4,823 people in Plymouth (2.8% of the city's working age population) were claiming Job Seeker's Allowance as at 10 October 2013; a significant fall of 1,434 from 12 months previously.
Between July to September 2012 and July to September 2013 total pay rose by 0.7% and regular pay rose by 0.8% according to the ONS.
This indicates that many people's pay has continued to struggle to stay in line with inflation.