South West Prays – Thousands of Christians online in prayer
Thousands of Christians and over 25 church leaders from across the South West are taking part in a historic online prayer event in a few weeks’ time.
The event called South West Prays on 31st May at 8pm, could be the biggest prayer event that has ever taken place in the region.
It will see Bishops from Church of England Dioceses taking part, as well as Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Evangelical church ministers, all joining in live online from their homes across the region.
Taking part include:
- Bishop Nick McKinnel – Diocese of Exeter
- Martin Rees – Mayor of Bristol
- Bishop Karen Gorham – Diocese of Salisbury
- Bishop Peter Hancock – Bath and Wells Diocese
- Sarah Yardley – Creation Fest in Cornwall
- Simon Jarvis – One Church, Gloucester
- Mark Pugh – Rediscover Church Exeter
- Carl Smethurst – South West Baptist Association
- Jim Ware – North Devon House of Prayer, Barnstaple
- Luke Mansfield – Hope Baptist Church, Plymouth
- Tiva Daka – The Engine Church, Cornwall
…and more.
The leaders, which are from a range of different Christian styles and traditions from all over the South West, will come together online on Pentecost Sunday – which in the Christian calendar is the anniversary of the birth of the church in the New Testament book of Acts.
They will share on reflections and prayers on the crisis we are facing as a nation and pray for a fresh move of God in this region.
Christians of all backgrounds from across the South West of England are being invited to tune in for this unique live experience, praying for our world, our nation and the South West in light of news developments which have impacted everyone in some way.
The event which can be accessed online from a computer, smartphone or interactive television.
Alongside the video broadcast, there will also be an interactive chatroom where people watching can engage with others, sharing their prayers and thoughts.
Mark Pugh, is Leader of Rediscover Church, Exeter and is one of the coordinators of this event,
“The churches have been so active during this pandemic as they seek to be good news in cities, towns and villages across the south west. Whether it has been foodbanks, debt centres, offering food shopping, prescription collections or checking in on those who live on their own, churches seek to love and care for everyone in practical ways. There will be much need in the months ahead and churches are actively working together to create the best responses. We are united in carrying a message of hope and believe Jesus brings comfort and hope even in the storms of life - and what a storm this has been for so many people. But in the middle of this storm we notice that record numbers of people have been googling ‘how to pray’ and recent research has revealed that 1 in 4 UK adults have visited an online church service over the last few months – there seems to be a renewed openness to spiritual things and as the churches come together we are praying that that the good news of the gospel will be experienced by many more people and that all sectors of society would know great wisdom in the days ahead.”
The event will be broadcast live at www.southwestawake.com on Sunday 31st May at 8pm.