Solar panel investment scheme afternoon
Residents, business owners and investors are invited to join Plymouth Energy Community at Salisbury Road Primary to hear more about this solar panel investment opportunity.
Salisbury Road Primary is one of many Plymouth schools who have been working with Plymouth Energy Community and PEC Renewables Ltd to get solar panels installed on their school roof. The solar panels are offered for free whilst providing an opportunity for members of our community to invest and become ‘co-owners’ of these panels.
Using the funds invested by the community, solar panels will be installed on the roofs of schools and community buildings throughout the city over the coming months. The panels will convert the light from the sun into a renewable source of energy.
This provides a low-cost energy supply and an educational facility for our schools. The energy also generates an income for the scheme through payments from the government’s Feed-in Tariff. This money will then be used to maintain the panels and pay investors a return. Surplus funds will be used to deliver Plymouth Energy Community’s future projects to tackle fuel poverty and climate change in Plymouth.
This event, which will also be attended by councillors and Plymouth City Council officers, will be held in the school hall at Salisbury Road Primary from 3.30pm to 5pm on Friday 7 March. It will provide an opportunity for people to find out more about the details and benefits of this exciting and innovative project. It is your chance to see how you can invest, for as little as £50, in Plymouth’s first ever community share offer.
For more information about the scheme visit the Plymouth Energy Community website or call 01752 477 550.