Simon Jupp MP visits new Royal Marines Charity HQ at Lympstone Commando Training Centre
Simon Jupp, MP for East Devon, met with Simon Wright QGM, Chief Operating Officer of RMA - The Royal Marines Charity, at the Lympstone Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM) on the 22nd of September to tour their new headquarters at The CHAMP Building.
The CHAMP Building was a £1.4 million project completed after 13 weeks of construction in July of this year. The funding to replace and demolish the former premises was secured through donations from sponsors including The CHAMP Trust and private donors to ensure the charity could continue focusing on welfare support costs.
During his tour with Simon Wright, Simon Jupp MP praised the charity’s work at both a local and national level which has focused on supporting the serving personnel, veterans, and their families since 1946. Simon Jupp MP had recently highlighted the charity’s work with Andrew Murrison MP, the Minister for Defence People, Veterans & Service People, during Defence Questions and with Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, at a special 10 Downing Street reception in which he welcomed Ben Curry MBE to his new role as the charity’s Chief Executive Officer.
The modular unit will be home to employees from across The Royal Marines Charity and includes a 12-seat conference room. It replaces a previous building known as the ‘Wooden Hut’ which was declared as beyond repair by the Ministry of Defence after being in use for 80 years.
Simon Jupp, MP for East Devon, said; “We owe a great deal to the elite Royal Marines veterans who’ve served our country. I’ve raised the amazing work of The Royal Marines Charity in Parliament on multiple occasions, including with the two Veterans Ministers, and the response is consistent – The Royal Marines Charity carries out invaluable work and the government will always stand behind them. We’re so lucky to have them based in our part of Devon and the new headquarters is a testament to their tireless commitment to those who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe.”
Simon Wright, Chief Operation officer of The Royal Marines Charity, said; “It was fantastic to welcome Simon to our new Charity HQ - The CHAMP Building - this morning. This was his second visit to CTCRM in Lympstone but the first to the RMA-The Royal Marines Charity. CTCRM and the wider Corps family is such a large presence within Simon’s constituency of East Devon, and he has been a great advocate of both since becoming our local MP. I hope that we gave him a strengthened understanding of the lifelong support we offer as the Royal Marines’ combined charity and Association and that he left also knowing our appreciation for his continued support is valued.”