Sheroes is back for 2022!
Local women's charity invites you to nominate remarkable women in your life
In celebration of International Women's Day this year, Trevi, the leading women's charity in Devon, is proud to be launching their popular Shero campaign for a second year. They are asking you to nominate, donate and show you care.
A Shero is a female hero who deserves to be recognised and celebrated for social, economic, cultural and political achievements.
Nominations can be for any awesome woman you know; your mum, your nan, your sisters, your best friend, your teacher, volunteers you know and even inspirational celebrities; the list is endless.
The campaign is an opportunity for people to pay it forward, shout out loud and celebrate the awesomeness of their much appreciated and loved Sheroes, plus raise funds to support women and their children affected by domestic abuse and violence.
The fundraising campaign will launch this week across social media channels, building up to International Women's Day on 8 March.
Trevi is encouraging a small donation to the charity for nominations who will receive a personalised certificate, message and badge to wear with pride. A selection of unique merchandise is also available to purchase, including Shero t-shirts, tote bags and hoodies.
This year Trevi hopes to smash the 1000 nominations and £5000 donations they received in 2021 from across the world.
Hannah Shead, CEO, says, 'Our Shero campaign was a real highlight of 2021. We were overwhelmed by the support we received for the campaign and felt it added real positivity to what was a difficult few years for many. We believe there are many remarkable women out there who deserve a mention, not just for their actions during the pandemic but for who they are and what they do in their everyday lives. It is important to tell these women what they mean to us. Please get involved and let the world know how wonderful they are.'
Alongside the many amazing nominations, last year were several celebrity supporters. Davina McCall and social media influencer Rachaele Hambleton, AKA Part-Time Working Mummy, were voted celebrity Sheroes in 2021 and continue to support the charity with campaigns.
Trevi staff and beneficiaries nominated superstar TV presenter Stacey Dooley as a Shero this year. Other nominees include staff at Derriford hospital and volunteers at Trevi.
Francesca, a midwife at Derriford hospital, was nominated; she said, ‘It was such a pleasure, joy and a privilege to be nominated as a Shero this year. The important thing to say is that it’s lovely that my name is on this certificate, but it actually belongs to every member of the maternity services. We have had a really hard couple of years, and we continue to go out of our way to look after women under our care because they deserve it.’
Trevi continues to work tirelessly to support women and children every year who are affected by domestic violence and abuse – providing safe and nurturing spaces for women and their families to heal, grow and thrive. Their Plymouth based centres include a residential rehabilitation centre for mums and their children, Jasmine Mother's Recovery, a family assessment centre - Daffodil Family Centre; and Sunflower Women's Centre, which supports women in recovery from addiction, mental ill-health, domestic abuse, sexual violence, and criminogenic behaviours
Loren, a Trevi Peer Mentor and nominated Shero, said, ‘Being nominated and getting a certificate was overwhelming, it’s nice to know that the things I do are appreciated, although I think I would do them anyway, and that’s not why I do them. It made me feel very emotional, and I am very touched - it's nice to be recognised.’
This year Trevi, in partnership with other local organisations, will also seek to meet a significant need in local communities that have been affected by a rise in domestic abuse. The project known as Spark will deliver 24/7 support by providing a wrap-around outreach programme incorporating trauma-informed Assertive Outreach Practitioners, fast-track access to women-only supported accommodation, practical and therapeutic support, and violence prevention programme in schools.
International Women's Day (IWD) runs annually on 8 March. This year's #BreakTheBias campaign will celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness against bias, and encourage action for equality.
Trevi hopes their own campaign will continue to grow and become a flagship campaign for celebrating women everywhere.
To nominate, donate and show you care, please visit https://trevi.org.uk/trevi-sheroes/
For more information, please contact communications@trevi.org.uk