Re:Fuel offers Southwest petrolheads a dream start to 2025
Why should petrolheads have to wait until the Summer to enjoy themselves? Re:Fuel, the Southwests only dedicated cars and coffee venue, will be hosting their hugely popular New Years Day meet, where visitors will start the brand new year off in style with some delicious food and live music whilst being surrounded by a whole bunch of incredible cars, bikes and everything in between.
The day itself will commence at 12:00 and run until 16:00, typically Re:Fuel’s automotive themed events commence at 09:00 however in order to put their community members first and ensure that there are safe drivers on the road this meet has been pushed back to midday. That’s because as we all know New Year’s Eve is a day of celebration and often that includes drinking alcohol, but just because you’ve been to sleep and woken up the next day it doesn’t mean that enough alcohol has left your system for you to be safe to drive.
Alcohol clears your system at a rate of one unit every hour, after thirty minutes from your last drink. Put into simple terms, one strong beer or a double shot is three units so if you were to go out and have four strong beers that would equal twelve units. Meaning that you would not be clear to drive until noon the next day as the legal drink and drive limit is three units for women and four units for men. In line with this information provided by the Devon and Cornwall Police, Re:Fuel have opted to host their New Years Day Meet from midday to ensure the safety of both their community members and also wider road users.
Dan Regan, Director and Co-Founder of Re:Fuel said “The safety of not only the Re:Fuel community but all road users is our top priority and that’s why despite our meets typically commencing at 9am we have pushed this event back to a start time of midday so that it is safe for the Re:Fuel community to drive without being over the legal limit. Our first ever New Year’s Day Meet even surprised us in its popularity and so we made the decision last year to ticket it with a limited number of spaces to ensure that we are able to effectively manage traffic flow and put on the most seamless event possible.”
Re:Fuel is THE place in the Southwest for petrolheads to meet, eat, drink, hang out, relax and enjoy with all enthusiasts welcome no matter what they drive. Visitors will also have the chance to drive their dream cars around their favourite motorsport tracks thanks to the Apex Race Centre at Re:Fuel, the Southwests only dedicated motorsport race sim centre. Re:Fuel is also home to the Steamer Coffee House & Kitchen which was crowned ‘Devon’s Best Breakfast’ earlier this year by Devon Live in a public vote which received over 8,000 votes.
Sergeant Owen Messenger, from the Devon and Cornwall Police said “We have worked with Re:Fuel on a number of occasions over the years to ensure that petrolheads in the Southwest are able to enjoy their passion for cars and bikes whilst still being responsible. We’re not here to spoil anyone’s fun, we just want everyone to be aware of how alcohol affects them and their driving to ensure that they can enjoy Re:Fuel’s wonderful event without taking any unnecessary risks of drink driving.”
Due to the overwhelming popularity of their last two New Years Day events Re:Fuel have made the decision to ticket this event, tickets are only £5 per vehicle and are limited so don’t miss out, make sure to get your ticket today by visiting: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-new-years-day-meet-2025-tickets-1003336655947