Prince Maurice pub raises over £700 for Birch Ward
A big thank you to the Prince Maurice pub in Eggbuckland, Plymouth, for kindly donating £766.50 to Birch Ward.
For many years, the pub has raised money for local charities by holding a quiz night every month. Each team is able to nominate a charity of their choice and one is then pulled out of a hat, with all proceeds from the quiz entry and the raffle going to the one selected.
Last year, the quiz master and his wife retired and after a few months of no quizzes running, Dawn Wharton and Rachel Hembury decided to take on the challenge and start it up again.
Dawn said: “We decided to set the quiz nights up again, as they were such good fun and a way of bringing our local community together.
“The reason Birch Ward was chosen by team 'Cobblers' was because the brother of a couple of team members received treatment on the ward. Thankfully he made a full recovery, but it was nice to be able to present a cheque to a charity that obviously means a lot to them.
“Rachel and I are so grateful for the support and generosity our teams provide to the quiz, we have a great time running it and the good humoured rivalry between the teams is fun to watch each month. We'd like to thank Gary and Kate for allowing us to run the quiz at the Prince Maurice and for their generosity in supplying the quiz prizes.”
Rachel Bryce, Senior Sister on Birch Day Case, said: “I would like to thank everyone involved in the Prince Maurice pub quizzes for raising such a brilliant amount of money. It will go toward
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