Preventative micro-surfacing for more Plymouth roads
A programme of protective micro-asphalting will get under way on city roads on Thursday 2 October.
Micro-asphalting is used as a preventative measure on roads that are showing the early signs of wear and tear. It fills in all the cracks, potholes and voids, improves skid resistance and seals the road, preventing water getting in and extending its life.
The road doesn’t need to be planed off (as it does for full resurfacing) and can be reopened soon after treatment, which saves time and money and means less disruption for motorists.
The works, being carried out by Plymouth City Council’s highways contractor Amey, will see around 98,000 square metres of new surface laid on 19 roads across the city. A similar programme was carried out last year.
Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “This micro-asphalting programme is further good news for Plymouth’s roads. Tackling surface deterioration early means we are protecting against future damage that would be more costly to repair. Preventative measures like this are key if we are to improve our road network in the longer term.”
Roads being micro-asphalted during the first week are:
Fort Austin Avenue – Thursday 2 October
Moorland View – Thursday 2 and Friday 3 October
Goosewell Park Road – Saturday 4 October
Pendeen Crescent – Sunday 5 October
Cunningham Road – Monday 6 October
Lanhydrock Road – Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 October
Micro-asphalt can only be applied to dry roads so the programme is subject to weather conditions. The full list of roads being micro-asphalted is available at www.plymouth.gov.uk/roadrepairs.
Residents and businesses near the works are being notified in advance by letter and, where road closures are required, diversion routes will be signed. Access to properties will be maintained when and where possible.
As part of the works there is a need to stabilise concrete sections on two of the roads, which will involve the following road closures:
Southway Drive
Tuesday 30 September to Thursday 2 October and Tuesday 7 October to Thursday 9 October, 7.30am to 5pm
Closure for westbound traffic at junction with Clittaford Road
Blandford Road
Monday 13 October to Saturday 18 October (six nights), from 6.30pm to 4am
Closure between Pike Road and Medway Place