Police launch rape prevention campaign aimed at young people
"In 75% of reported rape cases, the victim had already met their attacker" - a fact highlighted by the police as they launch a new rape prevention campaign aimed at teenagers.
Devon and Cornwall Police's campaign is aimed at 13 to 21-year-olds. It is intended to raise awareness of issues around consent faced by young people.
The central message of the campaign is that sex without consent is rape. Sometimes the line is crossed or unclear. Young people’s judgement may be affected by peer pressure, alcohol, drugs or lack of knowledge according to the police. The aim is to educate both potential victims and potential perpetrators.
The campaign includes a powerful cinema advertisement, together with posters and a leaflet, to raise awareness among young people not only about consent, but also about safety.
Police across Devon and Cornwall are advising young people to remember that alcohol impairs judgement, which can lead to bad decision making around personal safety.
They suggest avoiding travelling alone at night and making sure friends know where you are and/or where you are going. Also, think carefully before going to other people’s houses. If you find yourself in a situation you don’t like, even among people you know, you should trust your instincts and leave.
DCI Mike West of the Public Protection Unit at Devon and Cornwall Police says: “We want to help everyone, but especially young people, to stay safe and for them to be aware of and understand the issues surrounding consent. We aim to reassure people that it’s okay to say ‘no’ to sex. That’s the case if they’ve been dating, or had a drink, or if they’ve had sex before. We’re trying to make sure people understand that consent must be given prior to sex, otherwise it is rape. Rape can ruin the lives of both victim and perpetrator.
“We also want to let young people know that if they need help or advice about an incident, we have specially trained officers who can guide them. There are also support agencies across the Devon and Cornwall region that provide support for victims.”
Fee Scott and Maggie Parks from support agencies Devon Rape Crisis and WRASAC (Cornwall) commented: "We support many teenagers who have been affected by sexual violence as well as the damaging messages in society about what constitutes rape. Young people often feel judged and blamed for their behaviour and hesitate to report crimes because they fear not being believed. It's vital that they understand that sex without consent is rape, that consent must be freely and positively given, and that someone under the strong influence of alcohol or drugs isn't capable of giving consent. Campaigns like these are important and positive tools for promoting empathy and healthy relationships between young men and women and preventing sexual violence.”
Katie Russell from Rape Crisis England and Wales says “"Rape Crisis is delighted that Devon and Cornwall Police are running this teenage rape prevention campaign and particularly pleased that they've chosen to concentrate on the crucial issue of consent. Too often, in our experience, campaigns focus on potential victims' responsibility to keep themselves safe without promoting the essential message that 100% of the responsibility of an act of sexual violence lies with its perpetrator and that there is never any excuse or mitigation for rape."
Support and advice is provided by the following organisations -
Devon and Cornwall Police provide help, support and advice 24 hours a day via specially trained officers – call 101. In an emergency always call 999. You can also email: 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or visit www.devon-cornwall.police.uk for further information.
Devon Rape Crisis is a specialist support service for women aged over 18 who live in Devon who have experienced any form of sexual violence, recently or in the past.
T: 01392 20417 | W: www.devonrapecrisis.org.uk
Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (Cornwall) offers a wide range of free, safe, confidential support, advocacy and counselling services to women and teenage girls who have experienced any form of sexual violence and/or domestic abuse at anytime in their lives or those who are at risk of being convicted of a criminal offence.
T: 01208 77099 | W: www.wrsac.org.uk
Rape Crisis (England and Wales) campaigns continuously to raise awareness of sexual violence, its prevalence and effects and, in particular, we highlight the importance and need for appropriate, high-quality and specialised support for survivors. We challenge attitudes and press for change.
They also work with other organisations, agencies and government departments to improve the response to those who are affected by and those who perpetrate sexual violence.
T: 0808 800 0188 | W: www.rapecrisis.org.uk/