Plymouth's Royal Artillery to collaborate with Exeter's classical musicians
Live church bells across Exeter and the sound of artillery fire from Plymouth Citadel will be used in a performance of 1812 Overture at Exeter Cathedral on Thursday 25 April.
The score of Tchaikovsky's piece which celebrates Russia's defence against Napoleon, calls for Russian cannon shots. To make the performance by Exeter’s EMG Symphony Orchestra more local and up-to-date, Plymouth’s Two-Nine Commando (29th Commando Regiment Royal Artillery) will be participating by working with the orchestra to produce a recording of their artillery fire (L118 105mm Light Gun) which will be cued by the orchestra’s conductor in the performance.
The 1812 Overture was originally planned to be performed in the cathedral square in Moscow, with a brass band to reinforce the orchestra, the bells of the cathedral and other churches in Moscow ringing and live cannon fire in accompaniment. That performance did not take place.
Co-ordinator of the project Gillian Taylor said: “The original performance might not have taken place but we’ve used all sorts of technical wizardry, and with the help of some dedicated bell ringers and Two-Nine Commando, we think we might make the audience jump out of their seats.”
The recording of the cannons takes place today, Monday 22 April at midday at the Plymouth Citadel.
29th Commando Regiment Royal Artillery (known as “two-nine Commando”) is a spearhead regiment with troops trained as amphibious, mountain and arctic warfare specialists but who are also equally capable of deploying to the desert or jungle. The Regiment provides specialist fire support for 3 Commando Brigade and is responsible for controlling the fire provided from mortars, artillery, naval gunfire, fast jets and attack helicopters.
As well as the Exeter Cathedral bells, the bells of St Thomas Church across the river will be rung live and fed into the performance. The bells of Widecombe Church will also join the cacophony.
EMG Symphony Orchestra are also playing Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony and Die Toteninsel (Isle of the Dead) by Rachmaninov. The concert takes place Exeter Cathedral on Thursday 25th April 2013 at 7.30pm.
Tickets are available from Tourist Information Office, Dix’s Field, Exeter, Tel: 01392 665885 and Devon Strings Workshop. 1 Bartholomew Street West, Exeter, EX4 3AJ priced from £8 to £15. 50% discount for NUS card holders and under 16s for £12/£10/£8 price bands.