Plymouth young people encouraged to try ‘building’ their future
A city project is encouraging local people and companies to find out more about the increasing career opportunities and work in the construction industry.
The free tasters aim to give a realistic feel for the different jobs in the industry and provide practical career advice, apprenticeships and links to employers and jobs.
The construction tasters are part of the Building Plymouth project, a Council-led partnership with the local building industry which currently supports over 5,500 jobs.
It aims to link people with career opportunities in the local construction sector as well as strengthen the industry, which makes up about six per cent of the local economy.
It’s estimated that over the next ten years 10,000 new jobs will be created in the construction industry.
Council Leader Tudor Evans said: “This campaign is about telling people about the opportunities and doors that will open up to them. We want them to sign up, find out what might suit them and have a go and get into great careers.
“Plymouth is growing fast and we want Plymouth people doing the work, staying here and making this city great. The construction industry has limitless opportunities. It’s not just about bricklaying – although that’s obviously important.
“The sector is looking for educated and able young people to join them in technical and very specific jobs such as surveyors, insulation and sustainable housing specialists that until a few years ago, were unheard of.”
Careers in the building industry offer skills which, in many cases, can take people anywhere around the world, are transferable into other jobs and that provide earnings from day one. Here in the South West a qualified architect can earn £830 a week, a plumber £554 a week, engineer £544, electrician £625 and bricklayer £494 a week before tax.
If you are interested in finding out more about careers and training or booking a place on a taster session, please email building.plymouth@plymouth.gov.uk You don’t have to be unemployed to come along as the information and tasters are free to all.
To find out more about Building Plymouth visit the website at www.buildingplymouth.co.uk