Plymouth library worker launches novel

Authored by Mary
Posted: Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 12:34

Plymouth author, student and part-time library customer services assistant AJ Cunningham is launching her first self-published children’s fiction novel ‘The Flight of the Naturne’ next week.

AJ Cunningham is the pen name of 20-year-old Abigail Cunningham, who started volunteering at Efford Library at the age of 14 and continues to work part-time for the Council’s library service while studying sociology at Plymouth University.

Abigail discovered her talent for writing and illustrating her own stories at Efford Library’s HeadSpace group for young people. Always an avid reader, Abigail was more interested in the newest series of books than the latest television series and writing fan fiction led to her completing her first novel.

The Flight of the Naturne is about young Teara Dream, abandoned by her wizard father as a baby and found by Alfred, a wizard who protects her until she comes of age. Teara grows up in an enchanted forest amongst nymphs and unicorns, attending an academy for young witches and wizards. She learns to cast spells and shields that will protect her and the academy.

Abigail said: “Writing a fantasy book was a natural choice for me as I’ve always loved magic. Fairy tales played a big part in my life growing up and I wanted to bring back magical themes to children.”

Deputy Council Leader Peter Smith said: “Abbie has been a familiar face in our libraries for a while now, starting as a volunteer when she was just a teenager, helping with our Summer Reading Challenge and now working part-time between her studies. Getting a novel published is a great achievement and we’re really proud of her. I hope this inspires other young people to pick up their pens and get writing.”

Abigail will launch her novel at the Central Library at 4pm on Thursday 20 November. She will give a talk about her inspiration for writing and her writing process, as well as give a short reading from the book. Everyone is welcome and entry is free.

The Flight of the Naturne, which is suitable for children and young people aged nine and over, will be on sale at the event priced £6.99 and Abigail will be signing copies following her talk.

You can follow Abigail on Twitter @ajcunninghamoff.
