Patient team are seeking volunteers to help support digital consultations
The Patient Services team at University Hospitals Plymouth are looking for volunteers who can help support patients to access their NHS care through digital platforms and become ‘Digital Health Champions’.
“Since the start of the pandemic, like many health care organisations, we have had to move to using more online and virtual consultations in order to keep our patients, their families and our staff safe,” explains Ben Gadd, Patient Experience and Engagement Manager. “Many of our patients are now offered the opportunity to have their appointments, such as outpatient appointments, with their clinician or practitioner via a secure video link from the comfort of their own home.”
A number of services are also now using online platforms for NHS patients, such as allowing them to order repeat prescriptions from their local GP and book appointments.
However, some people struggle with using this new technology and require help and support.
“Many of these online platforms are new for people and not everyone finds it easy to use and understand, so we are keen to offer support to help them access the digital services they need,” adds Ben.
The intended support will range from attending a virtual drop-in session using Zoom, or by giving advice over the phone or by email. You will need to have some knowledge and experience of using information technology, but training will be provided. Afterwards, each volunteer will become a certified ‘Digital Health Champion’.
So, if you like the idea of volunteering for the Trust and helping people in a positive way, all from the comfort of your own home, please read the role description and download the application forms here:
2020 Digital Support volunteer.docx [docx] 94KB
Application Form Digital Support Volunteer.docx [docx] 104KB
Health Declaration - Digital Support Volunteer.docx [docx] 69KB
For further information or to talk through this role in more detail, please contact Ben by email on plh-tr.volunteerenquiry@nhs.net or by telephone on 01752 439694.