New village could help Torbay meet housing shortfall
Abacus Projects and Deeley Freed Estates have applied to the Planning Inspectorate to determine their planning application for the proposed 373 dwelling Inglewood development.
The scheme has the potential to provide much-needed new homes for the Torbay and Paignton area whilst bringing a range of ancillary benefits including substantial improvements to the highway network and bus services, along with the provision of a site for a new school and a new pub.
Whilst the 70 acre site was not earmarked for development in the Torbay Local Plan, which was adopted in 2015, the land would make a significant contribution towards Torbay Council’s housing targets and would include 30 per cent affordable units in line with Local Plan policy.
Torbay Council, which recently advised as part of its housing consultation that “…….access to good quality homes which are affordable……. [is] a vital part of tackling poverty, deprivation and vulnerability” is legally obliged to demonstrate a five year housing land supply. Current figures show it is unable to account for a three year housing supply.
The planning application was submitted in 2017. As Torbay Council has been unable to determine the Application to date, the Planning Inspectorate will now consider the proposals and the potential benefits to the local community before reaching a decision.
Andrew Maltby of Deeley Freed said, “Torbay has a housing crisis* which cannot be resolved solely by piecemeal development of brownfield sites which are rarely able to provide policy compliant levels of Affordable Housing, if any.
“We firmly believe that this application would ease the pressure on existing housing stock and help Torbay Council to honour its commitments to building new homes. Our scheme would provide a full 30 per cent Affordable Housing quota which will make a significant contribution to the current severe shortage of Affordable Housing in the Bay.
“If Torbay Council has to adopt the new tests on Housing Need now prescribed by central Government the housing supply deficit could get even worse which is why we are hopeful our scheme will be able to assist.
“We have worked closely with Council officers and consultants in order to try to bring this scheme to fruition, however the Planning Inspector or the Secretary of State will now make the final decision.”
If approved, Inglewood village will be constructed using new levels of high quality sustainable design and would make a significant capital injection to employment infrastructure funding in the Bay.