New health and recovery support group
A new group which offers support and education for people who have ongoing health challenges is starting in Plymouth this month. The group is facilitated by an accredited Chrysalis Effect Practitioner/RGN who assists people with chronic health conditions, and specialises in supporting people in recovery from CFS/ME.
Long term illness, ongoing stress or health conditions can be very isolating and frustrating for anyone who is experiencing them, and issues including chronic exhaustion, pain, reduced mobility, and anxiety can prove difficult to manage over time. We aim to provide an ongoing friendly, informal, supportive environment for anyone who is interested in learning more about their health, or simply feels they would benefit from being part of a supportive group.
The monthly sessions will help members by providing education plus learning how to apply practical lifestyle methods which improve health and reduce symptoms. Usually when people have more control over their own life and symptoms, it becomes easier to deal with the accompanying emotions. If you feel that you may benefit from being part of our group, or would like more information, please contact us.
The sessions begin on Tuesday 3 March at Studio One, Plymouth Arts Centre, 10.30am -12.30pm. Our members fee is £10 monthly including between session support, or £12 for attendance at an individual session. Numbers are limited, so please book in advance by contacting Daniella Saunders. Tel: 01726 852585, or email