Make sure you register to be able to vote in May elections
Residents in Plymouth have three weeks left to register to vote so that they can have their say at this year’s local elections in May.
Everyone that is registered before Friday 7 February will be included in the next Register publication. Individuals that do not register will not be included in the Register and will not be able to vote.
Canvassers have been visiting households and reminder electoral registration forms are being sent to get as many people registered before the closing date.
Over 115,000 voter registration forms were sent out across the city in October last year and so far 89,500 have been returned.
Posters, adverts and banners on buses displaying the phrase ‘don’t lose your voice’ have been displayed over the last few months reminding people that if they are not on the electoral register they have no voice on local and national issues and will not be able to vote at the elections.
Completing the registration form is easy. Residents who have no changes to make can confirm their details at any time on an automated phone line or via the Council’s website. If you still live at the same address and with the same people as last year you can just call Freephone 08082841425 or visit www.elecreg.co.uk/plymouth. More than 12,000 households used this service last year.
If you have recently moved or there have been changes to the people living with you, you will need to complete the form with your amendments as usual.
Students studying away from home, at university or college, can register in their home town as well in Plymouth as long as they do not vote twice.
Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Peter Smith said: “Plymouth is a place where people can have a say about what is important to them and we encourage this. However, if you don’t register or confirm the details we hold you will not be able to voice your opinions at the elections this year.”
Anyone who has not received a voter registration form or requires another one should contact the Council’s electoral registration service on 304866 or 304936. Forms are also available from the Civic Centre reception or by visiting www.plymouth.gov.uk/electoral.