Improving access to the countryside and open space
Getting outside and exercising is a popular New Year’s resolution. Here in Devon we are fortunate to have a wonderful coastline and many rights of way with far-reaching views.
If you would like an opportunity to get involved in discussing and advising on recreational opportunities and access, why not apply to be a member of the Devon Countryside Access Forum?
Local access forums were set up following the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 as statutory bodies to give independent advice on how to enhance and improve public access to the countryside for open-air recreation and enjoyment.
Importantly, their membership has to include a wide spectrum of interests, for example access users (walkers, riders, cyclists), land managers (landowners, farmers) and those with other interests such as conservationists and those with disabilities so that a balanced view emerges.
Dr Justin Robbins, Chair of the Devon Countryside Access Forum said: “In practice this means that members work with a group of individuals who, although widely different, all value highly Devon’s natural environment and the splendour of its countryside and who want to find the best ways to enhance public access without causing damage.
“This makes taking part in the Forum stimulating and educational and will appeal to everyone who has the interests of the countryside at heart and wants it to be enjoyed as widely and responsibly as possible.”
In the last year, for example, the Forum has advised on Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plans, tackled a consultation from Defra on making changes to the legal processes for recording public rights of way (now part of the Draft Deregulation Bill) and discussed access opportunities at the former Meeth Ball Clay pits with the Devon Wildlife Trust who recently purchased it as a nature reserve.
The Forum has fifteen volunteer members and is now carrying out its yearly recruitment. If you are enthusiastic about recreational access to the countryside of urban green space, or have a professional involvement they would like to hear from you.
Equally you may be a landowner or land manager who is affected by recreational access on your land and your input is also vital to debates.
For information, please ring 01787 171000 or see the website E-mail: devoncaf@devon.gov.uk
The closing date is 21 February.