Council invests in housing service’s future to ensure residents are safe and secure
The ten-million-pound investment will mean that East Devon District Council’s (EDDC) homes meet new housing regulations and safety standards introduced by the UK Government in April 2024.
Councillors discussed a report about the investment at EDDC’s Full Council meeting on Wednesday 17 July 2024.
Councillor Dan Ledger, EDDC’s Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Homes, and Communities, said:
“Repairing and maintaining our housing is a key priority for the council. We want to ensure our residents are safe and looked after in their homes.”
“Like all councils, we are experiencing inflationary pressures as well as the impact of the new regulatory standards which have placed some pressure on our finances. It is important to the council, that despite these financial challenges and years of under investment, we agree a plan to address these issues.”
“There are a number of key steps and actions that the council will carry out to address this under investment which will see improved homes for our tenants.”
“We are committed to addressing the financial challenges head-on to ensure our tenants have access to high quality housing.”
“These measures will not only stabilise our finances but also lay the groundwork for a sustainable future for our housing services.”
“EDDC is investing £10million in a significant programme of capital works to ensure our housing stock complies with housing regulations. To afford this level of investment a financial sustainability plan is in place which aims to increase income and deliver savings.”
“There is significant work ahead of us whilst we seek to understand our stock condition and consult with expert advisors to provide further information on what future investment is needed to enable us to provide a medium to long term plan and asset management strategy, which will be presented to councillors in the autumn.”
The report is available to read online.