Consultation launched on Barnstaple bus lane improvements
People are being invited to have their say on Devon County Council’s plans to improve bus lanes on Braunton Road in Barnstaple.
The public consultation has started today (Wednesday 17 January) and will close on Sunday 18 February.
The proposals seek to reduce bus journey times for services from Braunton towards Barnstaple by improving bus priority along Braunton Road.
The scheme would involve removing an existing traffic light from the bus lane, as it is not needed, at the Pilland Way and A361 junction. The upgrade would segregate the bus lane from other vehicles via hatched lines and refuge islands. For the A361 junction, a crossing is proposed across the bus lane.
The revised layout would promote priority for buses and taxis to avoid queuing traffic.
Councillor Andrea Davis, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport, said: “Bus passengers want reliable services and these improvements will help towards creating more consistent journey times, which in turn can make public transport a more attractive option. I would encourage everyone to have a look at the proposals and take part in the consultation by giving us your feedback.”
Councillor Ian Roome, County Councillor for Barnstaple North, said: "The scheme aims to use government money to make bus journeys easier and quicker, saving time and making people's lives better. Improved public transport aligns with our climate aims and it is excellent that this can be done alongside improved crossings for people walking and cycling and achieved with no detriment to car drivers."
The scheme forms part of Devon County Council’s Bus Services Improvement Plan which has secured Government funding to prioritise bus improvements across the county.
The feedback from the consultation will inform the final design of the scheme and the County Council will aim to introduce the improvements by Spring 2025.
You can comment on the proposals by completing the questionnaire on this website https://devon.cc/NorthDevonBSIPs Alternatively email transportplanning-mailbox@devon.gov.uk or call 0345 155 1015 from 17 January until 18 February 2024.