Consultation held on new 3G football pitch at Plympton school
A public consultation was held this week at the Ridgeway School in Plympton about plans for a state-of-the-art 3G Football Astro Turf Pitch.
Local people were invited to the schools main hall to see the plans and ask questions.
The school is applying for Football Association funding worth £250,000 for the pitch including fencing, floodlights and the upgrade of existing grass pitches.
Lisa Boorman, principal designate at the Moorland Road school said: “I am delighted that so many local people came to the consultation, asked questions, and were genuinely interested in what we plan to do.
“Overall it was a very positive response to a football pitch being so locally situated in the community. All along we have said that this pitch will be a superb facility not only for our school but for the wider community where everyone can enjoy playing football whatever their ability.
“The school is very mindful of its place in the community and we have taken every possible measure to put forward a proposal that will suit everyone’s needs.”
Some people living nearby did express concerns with regard to lighting, noise and parking but were appreciative of the steps taken by the school to reduce the size of the pitch and locate it as close to the school buildings in order to minimise the impact on local residents.
Mrs Pook, a resident of Earls Mill Road, said “The proposed option appears to be best. It is not close to properties and I am glad that lighting issues will be addressed”
Mrs Teresa Hill, secretary to Chaddlewood Miners football club, said about the plans “This is a much needed facility for the youth within our area, the plans look great and it has been a long time overdue – we can’t wait.”
The school principal designate Lisa Boorman says residents were reassured at the meeting that there will be parking on site and people using the pitch will be encouraged to park there and not on nearby residential streets.
“I am happy that those residents who attended the meeting left having had all their questions answered,” she said.
The 3G plans will now be submitted to the local planning department with a decision in March. The Football Association meet in February to discuss and approve the proposal and all being well the building works will start over the summer holidays ready for term time in September 2016.