City council to fly rainbow flag to mark day against homophobia and transphobia
Plymouth City Council will be proudly flying a rainbow flag on Friday 17 May to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO).
The rainbow is part of the IDAHO symbol and the flag will be hoisted above the Guildhall.
IDAHO Day is now recognised by more than 100 countries around the world. LGBT and human rights organisations and celebrities are using the day to raise awareness globally of homophobia and transphobia and demand action from policy makers.
Cabinet member for Co-operatives and Community Development Councillor Chris Penberthy said: “This is one of many initiatives we are supporting to raise awareness of how we want Plymouth to be a welcoming city for people of all backgrounds. We want people to feel safe and flying the rainbow flag in the heart of the city shows our support for our Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender communities.”
The Council is working with partners in the city including Plymouth Pride Forum to encourage anyone who is a victim of, or witnesses a hate crime, to report it.
There is a network of safe reporting centres across the city where people can go and report incidents and be sure that they will be listened to and taken seriously. The safe reporting centres include Council offices and Plymouth Citizens’ Advice Bureau and people can report incidents to organisations such as Plymouth Pride Forum and Plymouth Highbury Trust.
Alan Pottinger, Chair of Plymouth Pride Forum said: “The rainbow flag has been a symbol of pride and freedom for the LGB and T communities for almost 4O years and we applaud the council for flying it on IDAHO day. Sadly in 2013 a person’s sexual orientation can still lead to isolation, bullying and even physical violence and this gesture sends a strong message to everyone about the city as a progressive and vibrant place to live and visit and one that will not tolerate prejudice and hatred.”
Between April 2012 and March 2013 Plymouth had 569 reported hate crime incidents. More than 89 per cent of people were satisfied with the response they received from the Council and the police as a result of them making the report.