Busy remembrance weekend for HMS Heroes
At this time of year, we are all remembering those who serve and have served in our Armed Forces, across the generations. This is particularly poignant for our HMS Heroes young people, all of whom have had at least one member of their family serving in the military.
HMS Heroes, who are affiliated to the Royal British Legion, have the Poppy Appeal as their focus throughout the year and, at this time; they are very busy in support. Already, they have collected on Plymouth Poppy day alongside members of the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Marines and have raised £1500, themselves, through the sale of their Armed Forces Day badge.
HMS Heroes, which was formed in 2010, is a support network made up of pupils from primary and secondary schools across Plymouth who have parents or carers in the armed forces. It is co-ordinated by Plymouth City Council’s Services for Children and Young People and provides practical help and advice to service children ranging from 7 to 14 years old.
Friday evening will see the HMS Heroes Military Kids Choir supporting the Federation of Ex Servicemen and Women at their festival of remembrance in the Pavilions. They have sung at high profile events including Music of the Night, with the Military Wives choir and on a BBC Radio Devon Christmas special.
On Saturday, Heroes from across the city cluster will be collecting for the Poppy Appeal in Drake Circus, giving their time and energy to this cause that they support with their families. Those with serving members at home will be bringing them along, in uniform to help.
In addition, the national network of HMS Heroes standards will be parading at the Royal Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance, in the presence of her Majesty the Queen. These standards will be led by the national standard carried by Scott Clowes and the Plymouth standard, carried by Emily Kirk. Emily and Scott are members of Plymouth HMS Heroes and will lead in recognition of the founding of the group in Plymouth. Emily who is a founder member of HMS Heroes said: “It is very scary but exciting, I am very proud to carry the national standard and I will do my best.”
Sunday sees HMS Heroes member Lohan Rice, aged 6, laying a wreath on behalf of the children of Plymouth at the RN memorial on the Hoe alongside the Lord Mayor and military and political dignitaries.
Many Hero school groups will also hold services of remembrance on November 11th or will attend services at their local war memorials in honour of the fallen.
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health said: “This is a time when the whole city will stop and remember those that have given their lives in conflict and HMS Heroes have a big part to play in Plymouth’s remembrance services this weekend.
“These young people are Plymouth's ambassadors and young advocates for Service families but most importantly, they are friends for each other, especially in times of need. I’m incredibly proud of all them.”