The Box launches new music commissions in response to Covid-19
The Box has announced four music commissions of £500 each as part of its response to the ongoing health crisis.
‘A week in the life of a locked down musician’ will form part of its major Plymouth After Dark project, as well as support some of the local musicians whose livelihoods have disappeared since government restrictions began in March.
For the commissions, Plymouth-based musicians are being invited to produce a digital response to their current situation. This can be done in a variety of ways from a recorded performance of new material, to a photographic record of the impact the lockdown is having on them and their creativity, to a daily video journey that documents their musical experiences over the course of a week.
Four pieces of work will be selected and published via The Box’s website, social media channels and Plymouth After Dark Facebook group in June and July. The pieces will also be included in an exhibition about the Plymouth After Dark project which will go on display once The Box has opened. Each of the four successful musicians will be awarded £500 to cover their fees and production costs.
All applicants must be based in Plymouth and their proposals must not break any of the current guidelines around social distancing.
Anyone interested in applying should send a proposal (maximum 500 words) that outlines their ideas with a short CV to afterdark@plymouth.gov.uk by 5pm on Sunday 10 May. The four successful musicians will be announced on Friday 15 May and The Box will then work with them to finalise their content.
Plymouth City Council Leader, Tudor Evans OBE said: “As a result of the current lockdown one of our main ‘after dark’ pursuits of watching live music just isn’t possible. It’s completely understandable but it’s also a huge and challenging blow for everyone involved. As a major new institution with a key role in supporting the cultural sector in the region this is a brilliant way for The Box to support our local music community, and provide access to new performances and insights that audiences can enjoy online during a very uncertain time.”
You can find out more about The Box at www.theboxplymouth.com
You can find out more about Plymouth After Dark atwww.facebook.com/groups/plymouthafterdark