Bondi Rescue’s Lifeguard Maxi brings Bondi to Bovey Tracey with water safety messages to keep kids safe
Straight off the beach from protecting swimmers at Bondi, Trent Maxwell (better known as Lifeguard Maxi from hit TV show Bondi Rescue) will be visiting Bovey Tracey to educate our children about water safety ahead of summer.
Royal Lifesaving Society UK Honorary Vice President Ian Hutchings and his wife Sue are delighted and excited to host Lifeguard Maxi at their Bovey Tracey lifesaving club on Monday April 11th at Finlake Holiday Park in South Devon.
Open to children aged 8-14, there are two sessions available: 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm.
To book a place on the morning session, click here.
To book a place on the afternoon session, click here.
Children must be water confident and able to swim 25m.
Each session is £10 and is subsidised by Bovey Tracey LSC.
Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) lifesaving clubs are at the heart of a community, support young people and their families, so we all enjoy water safely and return home at the end of day. Lifesaving is one of the only activities to deliver both the physical and mental benefits of sport, keep you fit and gives you a skill to not only look after yourself, but your community too.
Maxi is excited to be finally travelling again, after his 2020 Live Learn Survive tour was postponed, and will be supporting RLSS UK clubs and branches, meeting thousands of children throughout local communities to support the charity’s work to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy water safely.
As RLSS UK Rookie Lifeguard Ambassador, Maxi said: “Our last trip over in 2019 was a huge success with thousands of water safety messages shared, we want to build on that to inspire the lifeguards of the future.”
Royal Life Saving Society UK tell us that ‘44 per cent of drownings happen in summer, from May through to August’ so now is the perfect time for Maxi to get out into our communities spreading valuable education so we all enjoy water safely.
More than 400 people tragically drown each year, 23per cent of them are aged 16 – 30and Maxi is the perfect person to talk to this demographic as he is part of it.
“Drownings are on the increase and education is key,” Maxi added. “We know through the pandemic swimming lessons and water skills have been severely impacted, I want to get the message back out to the kids before they hit the water this summer. “If it saves one life the tour will have been worth it.
RLSS UK Honorary Vice President Ian Hutchings said, “Coming out of lockdown with so many pools having been shut, it is even more important that children learn basic water safety.
In and around Bovey Tracey we have our swimming pool, the River, open water lakes and the local beaches. It will be fantastic to have Maxi here to educate and inspire our youngsters to enjoy water safely. “
Maxi, or Lifeguard Maxi as he is more commonly known, is the youngest ever professional Lifeguard to patrol Australia’s famous Bondi Beach, where he started as a 16-year-old trainee, a career well documented on award winning TV series Bondi Rescue. In 2016, ‘Maxi’ became a firefighter for New South Wales Fire and Rescue, now a Senior Firefighter and qualified Rescue Operator he is based at Bankstown Fire Station in Sydney.
He is an award-winning Author of the ‘Maxi the Lifeguard’ book series, a fun, educational series full of lifesaving tips to keep kids safe around water. He is the co-Founder of social enterprise Live Learn Survive with business partner Leigh Mason, 2021 saw them publish their first Picture Book, Maxi’s Beach Rescue.
Maxi’s unique career combination, coupled with his down-to-earth and affable nature has positioned ‘Maxi' as a much-needed young, positive, male role model – a responsibility he has embraced with open arms.
"In a society that is screaming out for young, positive, male role models, Maxi is a breath of fresh air and is totally committed to playing his part in shaping the young minds of our future generations, he uses his unique platform for good by sharing his knowledge about water safety”, said Leigh.
Follow Maxi on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - @Lifeguardmaxi @livelearnsurviveau
Visit his website lifeguardmaxi.com.au
Visit the RLSS UK website at rlss.org.uk
Follow them on Twitter - @RLSSUK
Visit their Facebook page - facebook.com/RLSSUK
Check them out on Instagram - @rlssuk