Bag it and bin it to win!
Dog walkers are being urged to clean up after their pets to help safeguard the health of people, animals, and the environment.
To promote responsible dog ownership, Devon Loves Dogs is launching a competition offering a monthly prize of one ‘Dicky Bag’ until March 2025. To enter the competition, scan the QR codes on banners around the Pebblebed Heaths and Dawlish Warren National Nature Reserves. You can also enter using postcards available from Devon Loves Dogs and South East Devon Wildlife pop-up appearances or visit devonlovesdogs.co.uk/competition
Bagged waste can be deposited into a smell-proof Dicky Bag which is lightweight, airtight, washable and leak proof. It can be attached to you or your dog and safely stores the poo until you find a bin or get home, with no more embarrassing moments, nasty niffs or disgusted looks!
Why bag it and bin it?
- Dog poo contains bacteria that harms people, livestock, wildlife and other dogs.
- Dog diets are high in protein. Poo left behind stops rare wildflowers growing, which means less birds and insects too.
- Dog poo contains nutrients which upset the whole ecosystem. Grazing animals are recycling existing nutrients, whereas dog waste adds more.
- Bagged dog poo left behind (even briefly) can be eaten by other dogs, grazing animals and wildlife.
- Buy plastic free poo bags if you can or from recycled plastic, which is better for the environment.
Use any bin
While you’re out and about you can dispose of bagged dog poo in any public litter bin, it doesn’t have to be a designated dog bin. In addition, your dog waste can go in your mixed household waste bin at home, but not in recycling bins.
Julie Owen, Devon Loves Dogs Co-ordinator said:
“It’s so important that people pick up after their dogs, wherever they’re walking. Sometimes people think that in the countryside dog poo is less harmful, but this isn’t the case. Our message is clear, keep your dog in sight so you can see where it is, clear up any poo and carry it with you until you reach a bin, or take it home. The Dicky Bag makes this even easier.
“Please don’t leave bagged dog waste to collect later and if a dog bin is full, please take yours home, don’t add it to the pile. Livestock, wildlife and even other dogs sometimes eat poo bags left behind.
“The stats prove that people are very good at placing dog waste in bins already so thanks to everyone who does. But we can do even more! We hope the competition will encourage more people to clean up too.”
Thank you!
In East Devon around 40 tonnes is collected every month from EDDC dog and litter bins
There are 416 dedicated dog bins across East Devon, with 1014 collections per week.
In Teignbridge there are 470 dedicated dog bins which collect 50 litres of dog poo.
In both areas, all dog waste is disposed of at the Energy from Waste Plant at Marsh Barton. It does not go to landfill. Energy from waste facilities produce electricity which is exported to the National Grid. Read more.