Arranging a Sports Day with Friends and Family This Summer

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 21:22

Enjoying the great outdoors with friends and family is always a lot more fun in the summer when the sun’s shining and doesn’t go down until well past 8pm. One of the best ways to ensure everyone enjoys themselves is to organise a family sports day with your loved ones.

A sports day is a fantastic way to bring people together and encourage physical activity that people are going to enjoy. Because going to the gym is fine but it’s not particularly fun, is it? An outdoor sports day is an ideal opportunity to enjoy the great sun, get some exercise, and foster a sense of community.

Sports Day Benefits

Physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, builds strength, and boosts overall fitness levels and sports provide an ideal framework for this that doesn’t require a lot of nagging from parents.

The event will also have a benefit on mental health by providing a platform for socializing, team-building, and strengthening relationships with friends and family, while reducing stress and anxiety thanks to the release of endorphins. Of course, the most obvious benefit, however, is the entertainment value and the break from routine, all for very little investment.

What Games to Play?

Rounders: This classic bat-and-ball game is perfect for groups and easy to set up. It’s similar to baseball only with a softer ball (meaning younger kids can join in too) and provides endless fun as teams take turns batting and fielding.

Cricket: Another fantastic group game, cricket can be enjoyed by all ages and is generally easier to setup than a game of rounders. You can easily organize a match with a few cricket bats and a few simple rules to get everyone involved and you don’t need an official wicket either, just a few decent sticks can make a fine cheap alternative.

Football: The most popular sport in the world is also one of the easiest to setup. All you need is a ball and a few jumpers or other garments to act as goalposts and you’re good to go!

Trivial Games for Added Fun

Egg and Spoon Race: A simple yet hilarious race where participants must balance an egg on a spoon while racing to the finish line.

Three-Legged Race: Pair up participants and have them tie one of their legs to their partner’s leg. This race requires coordination and teamwork, resulting in lots of laughs.

Obstacle Course: Set up a series of challenges like crawling under nets, jumping over cones, and balancing on beams. This can be tailored to suit all ages and fitness levels.

Food and Drink

Of course, you’ll need to keep your teams fed and watered so pack a variety of sandwiches, salads, fruits, and snacks. Don’t forget plenty of water and some refreshing soft drinks to stay hydrated too. If you want to push the boat out even further, meanwhile, why not bring the grill out and enjoy a BBQ? Because nothing says summer fun quite like a BBQ!