Animal fostering service receives funding boost from local housebuilder
A group providing a specialist Animal Fostering Service across Cornwall and Devon has received a cash boost from a leading housebuilder.
Refuge4Pets has secured a £1,000 donation from Persimmon Homes Cornwall and West Devon.
The organisation targets support to victim-survivors of domestic abuse so that they can leave with their much-loved animals.
As well as an animal fostering service, Refuge4Pets also provides an Outreach Service to support victim-survivors to settle in new communities and recover from the abuse that they have experienced.
Persimmon’s donation comes through the housebuilder’s Community Champions scheme. Each month Persimmon donates up to £64,000 to good causes in Great Britain, including up to £2,000 across Cornwall and West Devon.
Anne-Marie Clark, Refuge4Pets’ Marketing and Communications Coordinator, said: “We’re thrilled to receive this donation from Persimmon Homes.
“Often individuals and families escaping domestic abuse are unable to take their animals with them, as most temporary accommodation does not allow pets. In many cases this will stop people from leaving.
“We established Refuge4Pets to tackle this problem but as a small charity we rely heavily on donations from the public and local businesses.
“We are therefore extremely grateful to Persimmon for their generous and much-needed support, which will help us to keep people and their animals safe from domestic abuse.”
Jane Cartwright, Sales Director at Persimmon Homes Cornwall and West Devon, said: “We’re delighted to be able to support Refuge4Pets with this funding.
“The organisation plays such a vital role across Cornwall and Devon, supporting local people who have been victims of domestic abuse to leave such difficult circumstances with their animals.
“People often leave with nothing and Refuge4Pets will supply everything that animals need such as food, bedding and toys, and cover the cost of any veterinary treatment and medication required.
“It’s a fantastic group with a great team which we are extremely proud to support.”