Get ready, get excited, get your skates on!
Plymouth Pavilions have announced that the city’s beloved Ice Rink will reopen on Friday 27 August and it’s a double celebration as September marks an incredible milestone for the venue with it’s 30th birthday.
There’s no doubt it’s the hard work of the team at the Pavilions that have made it possible, and staff and visitors alike are thrilled that the venue now has a date for it’s reopening. After struggling through three lockdowns across 15 months many similar attractions found themselves unable to reopen as ongoing and financially viable businesses.
Between December and May part of the Rink’s concourse was used for the Pavilions Vaccination Centre and there was a huge feeling that being a meaningful part of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to the local community meant the “new normal” and reopening the whole region was becoming a real, tangible possibility.
At the time Plymouth Pavilions CEO, Sarah Phillips said: “During the global fight against Coronavirus we’ve seen so many people and organisations going above and beyond to do their part wherever possible, we’re so pleased to be in a position where we can now take our turn by offering our unique building out as a vaccination centre. Whilst we are so keen to be able to welcome back our wonderful staff and talented skaters to the Ice Rink, utilising these spaces means it will remain closed during the period of time that we are assisting the NHS. We extend our sincere thanks to Plymouth City Council for their support in making this a possibility.”
Shelby Natkaniec, Duty Ice Rink Manager has been with the Rink for 11 years, “I love the Ice Rink, we’re so grateful for the hard work that has gone into maintaining the business over the last year and thrilled to be getting back to work, implementing everything that needs to happen before we open the doors to our wonderful skaters and busy planning an exciting new timetable.”
Eager fans will be able to follow the team’s progress behind the scenes setting up the rink after the longest closure in it’s history on their brand new Instagram account launched in celebration of the reopening at https://www.instagram.com/ppicerink/
With a wide range of sessions for all groups of skaters and thanks to it’s 30 year heritage a place in people’s hearts, the reopening of Pavilions Ice Rink will be welcome news for the community of visitors who have been unable to skate at the South West’s only permanent Ice Rink since March 2020.
For the latest news and updates about the rink you can visit www.plymouthice.co.uk and follow them on social media
Once announced tickets for the new timetable and gift vouchers will be available 24/7 from their Box Office provider The Ticket Store at www.theticketstore.co.uk.