Adopt a new habit when you kick the fags
People in Plymouth who want to kick the smoking habit in the New Year are being asked to get into another habit instead.
Smokers who intend to use electronic cigarettes to help them with their New Year’s resolution are being reminded to get rid of the cartridge or batteries responsibly.
Cabinet member for the Environment Councillor Brian Vincent said: “We keep an eye on what people are throwing away and are aware of the massive rise in the number of smokers turning to e-cigarettes to help kick the smoking habit.
“People may not be aware that elements of e-cigarettes can be recycled but because they are electronic components, it I down to the producer, retailers and distributor to dispose of them.”
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE regulations are designed to reduce the amount of WEEE deposited in landfill sites as some equipment will contain potentially harmful substances or precious metal which can be recycled and saved for future use.
As part of these regulations, manufacturers, retailers and distributors of new electric and electronic equipment need to take an active role in reducing the levels of WEEE disposed of in landfill sites.
Statistics indicate e-cigarette use has doubled in the last three years. Many users have begun supplementing or substituting regular cigarette use with these products, in an attempt to cut back on hazardous toxins.
Responsible companies offer to take back the e-tip, battery or charger to ensure the products are disposed of safely and not in landfill sites.
For more information visit www.e-lites.co.uk or www.rokuniversal.co.uk
If you did not buy the items online, you can return your old WEEE items to the local store at which you purchased them.