Clamp down on school absences
The number of unauthorised absences allowed in Plymouth schools before a penalty fine is issued will reduce from 15 September 2015.
The changes come in line after the government increased the persistently absent threshold from 85 per cent to 90.
To continue to drive down the numbers of persistent absenteeism in Plymouth the Council has now updated its Local Code of Conduct in relation to penalty notices.
The changes mean that parents and carers with school age children (4 to 18) who have eight sessions - which add up to a total of four days - or more unauthorised absences within a six month period, may now be issued a penalty notice.
Additionally, a parent or carer issued with a penalty notice for an unauthorised holiday during term time, who then takes their child on a further unauthorised holiday within a 12 month-period could be considered for prosecution.
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health said: “As a result of the effort and commitment of schools, parents and carers the rate of persistent absence across the city has reduced dramatically over the last five years. In 2013/14 the figure was 3 per cent compared to the national average of 3.6 per cent.
“There is a link between educational achievement and pupils not attending school, so we are continuing to work with head teachers, schools and governing bodies to reduce persistent absence across the city.
“We believe it is fairer to all families to adopt the same approach across all schools and a letter will be sent to parents and carers reminding them that schools would not authorise absence in term time unless for exceptional circumstances.”
The City Council, through the Inclusion, Attendance and Welfare Service, and supported by Head teachers across the city have taken a very strict line on authorising absence for holidays in term time. Where there are genuine barriers to pupils attending lessons the schools, and the local authority will offer appropriate support where possible.
The Council regularly monitors the school attendance of pupils and will work with the pupil, their parent or carer and the school to address any attendance issues at an early stage.
For further information, tips and advice on how to improve your child’s attendance, contact the Inclusion, Attendance and Welfare Service on 01752 307404. In addition, an advice to parents leaflet can be downloaded from the Council’s website www.plymouth.gov.uk/schoolattendance